Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


Ahead of the Storm - Day 1

Cauldron, Six Months Ago

The nightmare has ended, once again. Looking up into the night sky far to the north, where lies the distant kingdom of Alhaster, I can see the brilliant explosion of light in the night sky that can only signify victory... victory of the Harbingers over Kyuss, victory of Good over Evil.

Yet in my heart I sense that this ending is but the beginning of yet another cycle - the everturning wheel of destruction that threatens someday to once again bring our world to the brink of ruin.

Why is it inevitable? Why does evil always rise up from defeat, ever stronger, never relenting in its onslaught? Why must humanity always give birth to new heroes to save itself from darkness? Is there no hope of ever finding peace? It seems that no matter what we overcome, a greater evil always lies just over the horizon.

Long have I pondered these questions, every day pursuing new directions of discovery through the Star of Justice... that divining relic of our church which has ever so often been of invaluable use to me. And the more I question the Star, the clearer my understanding of the world grows. Its history, its heroes past and present, its victories and defeats. And every so often, a glimpse of its future.

These visions of the future are what trouble me most, for it seems that history is indeed doomed to repeat itself, and a new evil lurks on the horizon, ready to wash over us like a rising tide of darkness. And as before, new heroes shall surely rise to combat it.

Yet I wonder what lies at the heart of it all... Why does evil always return? And at times, I feel as though I am on the verge of a great discovery - one which might forever alter the course of humanity, if only my mind were capable of making sense of it. But every time, I remain unable to grasp that truth which might be our salvation.

And so I go through the daily motions, as always, through times of peace and times of despair - knowing ever that the great cycle will keep returning back to where it began.

All of this has happened before... All of this will happen again...

So as I look to the northern sky, smiling for our victory, I am grateful to Elena, Pellegri and Soulerio for the sacrifices they have made. Just as I was grateful to Verodemocrium, Eadfrid and Xenogear for what they had done. And am grateful also to those other heroes spoken of in our legends, who have each in turn played their part in saving us from our destruction... ancient names like Mitheriana... Tippit... Gorgist... Gale...

I pray that the Gods of the Amalgamation bless us with heroes just as worthy, when the dark tide washes in once more...

For I fear the day is coming when the darkness will win.


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