Ahead of the Storm - Day 31

Ahhh, back in the game again. What a great sense of pleasure it is to actually USE the destructive power I have gained to reek havoc upon real enemies. Politics, to be honest, is not as luxurious as I thought it would be. True, had it not been for my predecessor's tax increase, I never would have had the funds to complete the Arcane Obelisk. Yet even then, with my school well underway and my well trained koa-toa Force Mage guards patrolling the perimeter, there remains a sense of wanting more. As despicable as it is to admit, I’m starting to understand the reasons behind the machinations of tyrants such as Lady Thifirane and Amariss.
That is not to say that I shall ever become a tyrant, rather it is simply an interesting observation.
Through this first success of recovering the Demonomicon, and the priceless epic spells within, that tingle of both danger and power resurfaced as much as it ever has. To finally spend time with two true kindred spirits was like finding a new long forgotten spell. For several days, I was an Outsider all over again, but with two companions who were true Outsiders as well. Without that walking frying pan of a warped warforged, I felt like the spotlight in battle would finally be upon me. And then Eadfrid and Soulerio began showing off their shear might, which made me reconsider my initial want. The sensation of an equal parts team was something I never thought I longed for more. It was as though Eadfrid, Soulerio, and myself were a single unit instead of only two of us being simply support, just in case the juggernaught before us could not handle himself. Indeed, I am still bitter over that. It was, in part, for that reason I had adopted the guise of Jak and even Renegade. As I read what I wrote, I think how schizophrenic that must have been for observers. It was a conscious wanting to disengage from the wagon of the Outsiders as the third wheel. I believe this is also why Eadfrid adopted his guise of Mr. X as well.
I think I have come to know Eadfrid more in this past mission, than I did in the months of the planar junction disaster. I have seen a more human side to him then ever before. He may be a rotting, walking, corpse, yet his mind shines as bright as the mirror he had created to deflect the suns rays upon the Pelor temple. There is more innocence behind his bandages, than you will ever find in even the newborn of a Celestial Deity. Though his wanting of a world of mummies strangely differs little from the Worm God's design for a world filled with Kyuss Spawn, Eadfrid believes in the good of all; that it is actually possible. And in that, he is sadly wrong.
Or perhaps it I who is naive, as I remember well Adimarchus and Nephilim, and their quest for rebirth to the higher planes of Celestia where even I might not be granted passage to. Odd that I have yet to even attempt to do so.
With Soulerio, there lies the shadow that is me. Even as far as a favored of Vecna. He is like a brother, with many of the same goals, many similar pitfalls. He and I both share an interest in Necromancy, power, and self-preservation. He too, was an outcast from his adventuring mates, using his time away to research his own agenda. And while the books of law have pardoned him for his wrong doing into the affairs of the Shadow Junction, he was an unwitting pawn in a wolf's embrace, as I was with Orbius. Like myself, his demons are still out there to haunt him. I have tried and, I believe, succeeded in befriending him. He seems to understand what I have gone through, as I too empathize with him. True, promoting him high in the ranks of the Obelisk angered some. But Soulerio is so very much like me. Thus it made sense to grant him responsibilities whose outcomes would likely be what I would do. So far, I am very impressed. His knowledge extends to bounds that outreach many of my own, allowing for even greater discoveries for the school. This latest mission for the Demonomicon showed how potent his death spells are, which allowed me to concentrate on the defensive magic for our task force.
Both Eadfrid and Soulerio ultimately have shown me a path that I should have placed more of my efforts towards. With Soulerio aiding in the creation of the negative energy field surrounding a partial cyst to the Plane of Shadow, the proximity has aided us both in discovering a new form of magic. Though we refer to this only as the Words for fear of lust from other powerful cults, it is in fact magic that is completely composed of shadow. These Mysteries, as we have called them, have a both similar and different manipulation of matter. There are no components that need to be purchased or searched for. The component is all around; shadow and darkness. For Eadfrid, his amazing success in the creation of the Amalgamation has given me a front to study these dark secrets, long held close my Vecna, in secure bliss from other religions. My friend was truly thankful as I cast a cause light wounds spell upon him, to show him my intent to join his church, while maintaining a new holy bond to Vecna. And I honestly believe that the Amalgamation is a sign that there can be a great neutral ground where no religion is programmed to fight against other holy brethren. Soulerio brought forth a magical path. While its destination was brought forth by Eadfrid. And to think that all of this came from the decision to help the children from the burning orphanage, rather than let others try their luck at being heroes. With the exception of the simulacrum debacle, I have had quite the streak of grace these days.
Which worries me greatly.
I have seen too much to know that even I do not deserve all that has been handed to me. Every life is balanced on a scale, with the left side of my own currently heavily weighted down to the side of fortune. What possible counterbalance could there be in existence to bring the scale of Verodemocrium Moraztardia to an even level?