Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


Summary 24: Pelor's Gift

A nights rest had done us some good, but our next dilemma was upon us. What are we to do with the Tlaloc's Tear? It would indeed be an effective weapon against the Lords of Dread, but to remove the weapon from this location would be unwise. To fill this entire complex with water would disrupt the existing Shadow Pearls down below, not to mention what it would do to the Island itself. We approached "The Intersection" in hopes that a solution would magically present itself, but that only led to a new problem. You see, the levels below were littered with mindless skeletons, go figure. The Admiral suggested this was Anzak's doing and that the enemy has caught up with us. Unlikely though, Death Knight or not, that bag of wind wouldn't even be able to lead a band of thirsty sailors to a local tavern on Ale Street. Anyhow, it did give us a reason press forward at a much quicker pace. We decided upon facing the Lords of Dread without the Tear and t'was only a matter of getting past those Dispelling Glyphs. Cindel did her part by transforming into a bird and erecting a small staircase by manipulating the stone ceiling, I've seen stranger things… The plan was simple, grant Garland flight so that he can fly us up to the steps, a short climb pass the glyphs, grant everyone with flight and the ability to breath underwater. But, as usual, everyone was reluctant to proceed and looked to yours truly to witness yet again another act of bravery. Garland flew me up and retreated to a safe distance. As predicted, the climb was of no concern and the Glyphs were indeed harmless. Crimson was the next to follow; naturally, another opportunity to see my fine derriere. She looked a little uneasy with the climb but refused my aid, always trying to impress me, Gustave you sexy beast. She began her climb and slipped instantly. I failed to grab her before she plummeted nearly 80' feet into the lake of vile juice down below. When engaging in a climb, one must be one with the rock, t’was quite clear that she was more interested in picturing me in my birthday suit. Some things, are just out of my control… No harm done though, but my beloved got a good chuckle out of it. Garland flew down to fetch our little drama queen, both covered in black ooze. If only I had a bag of feathers… Anyhow, some good came out of all this; the Admiral had noticed that the Skeletons were in the process of relocation the Shadow Pearls. The living dead had no interest in us, but, yet again, a new dilemma presented itself, bloody hell. Worse than that was a pitiful attempt to engage in the act of democracy. "Let's fight them" shouted Cidel, please. "Retreat to a random plane", replied Admiral Gansworth, typical. "Why don't we set the Pearls off", Lavinia, sweetheart, well… at least you have your looks. Glaive just stood there smoking in my face while poking into his empty eye socket; what ever toots your horn I suppose. I suggested that we simply go on, the weapons of mass destruction are out and we must learn of a way to disable them. Crimson agreed with me as she rubbed her self. I replied with the suggestion that Crimson stop playing with herself and to find a pool of water so that she can be rid of that vile filth. In response, like any 10 year old would do, she showered us all, charming. Anyhow, while they were preparing a voting session, I decided to engage in flight in order to investigate the convoy of skeletons. In doing so, 2 new portals were discovered, a source and a destination. We've had a fair share of experience with portals as of late, so I thought it to be a good idea to see where it led. You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you but, on the other side, the Skeletons magically turned into angels and flew to the heavens above. Blue skies, puffy clouds, birds chirping in the background, t'was like a dream just before a hangover. Their destination, an Island in the sky, I just had to see more. Upon my arrival, a man by the name of Pelor was sitting upon his mighty thrown, flanked by 2 piles of Shadow Pearls. He spoke out to me.

Pelor : Gustave, my son, you and your friends have done this universe a great deed. Please allow me aid you in you quest by keeping these Shadow Pearls at bay from those who wish to mishandle them. I assure, you they will be safe here and will be dealt with accordingly. A blessing upon you and your comrades, and safe journey. Farewell my child.

Sounded good to me, and off I went. Oddly enough, the story sounded perfectly good to the others as well. Moments later the Skeletons were no more and the complex was completely vacant. One last search to seek out any lingering trinkets was performed only to discover one last disturbance. A rogue Shadow Pearl was left upon a column within the Olman village. Probably a contingency plan. Crimson volunteered to take the Shadow Pearl, to Pelor on the Plane of Celestia, a logical course of action. She also recommended that we go to a neutral Plane in case something were to go wrong while moving the Pearl. A rare act of compassion on her part, perhaps I was drunk. While she risked her life for us, we were sampling the natural produce on the plane of Arcadia, home of St-Cuthbert. I for one had a plantain, the best-damned plantain I've ever had. I began to vanish upon consumption, but that shouldn't be anything to worry about. Garland on the other hand grew to the size of a Troll, he was giddy like a schoolgirl. Sadly Lavinia, Glaive & Cindel felt nothing, pity. Crimson was successful and came to fetch us shortly thereafter. Mind you, now I'll never know what she actually did with the damned thing. Oh well, not my problem, to the Lords of Dread. Again, I was the first to enter the portal to the unknown. Once there, as predicted, I was surrounded by water. Off in the distance several Kopru began their charge. I looked straight at them, portraying a sinister grin. Crimson was the last one to enter, triggering our master plan. The Tear's power was great indeed, never have I seen such destruction. The complex around us shattered into countless pieces, much like the Gansworth ship, and the Kopru plummeted to their deaths. Among them was another Kopru with 2 heads, the second Aspect of Demogorgon I presume. A large creature with many tentacles and another brain-like creature were found dead as well. Their souls, and their belongings, were now property of the Thralls of Vasharan. Off in the distance, the Spirit Naga from Fogmyre attempted to elude us, but failed; there was no escaping us. But, she did inform us that we were on the elemental plane of water and the portal back home had been destroyed. She knew of a way to get back but demanded that she go free in return for safe passage. Under the circumstances, with no way home and limited flight and water breathing, we graciously accepted. She was also kind enough to Plane Shift us at exactly the right spot, the Red Dragon's lair. Upon our arrival, we were deafened by yet another mighty cry, but Demogorgon's whining failed to spoil our resolve. In my near invisible state, I took the opportunity to fly to the skies in hopes to learn of the pirate's progress. What I saw was encouraging indeed. The 3 Brotherhood vessels had arrived and were giving them a run for their coin. So, Guildenstern, how do you like my little appetizer? But try not to indulge yourself; I hear the main course is to DIE for. Please understand, I've learned that psyching ones self is much more rewarding than soiling ones loins. Our next destination, into the fog, at the very heart of this island. But first, a trip to Sasserine was in order.

To be continued…


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