Summary 16: Into the Ruins
Day 22, Damage Control:
We were successful in retrieving a 100’ foot tree to replace the mast. We have Skald to thank for supplying us with safe passage. The engineer had estimated eight or so days in order to make repairs. After gathering food and supplies, I had Lavinia join me for a romantic walk along the beach. We had a lovely pick nick…, among other things…
Day 30, The Brotherhood:
Upon exiting the creek after repairs, our journey had been delayed further as a Scarlet Brotherhood blockade made its presence felt. They required a contribution, from our part obviously, to aid in their little war against the pirates. The three armed Brotherhood vessels were more that enough to grant them our full cooperation. As we made preparations, Crimson spoke against her affiliation and questioned their actions. I, on the other hand, knew very well that this was standard procedure amongst the Brotherhood, not all that different from pirates themselves… what can you do… That being said, we were not going to offer them much. We took the time to strip our vessels of our valuables and hid them in Max’s coral dwelling beneath the Nixie. Guarding it was Garland in Hecuva disguise with the aid of a “Water Breathing” potion. Another charge from the “Disguise Self Wand” was used to shape change a random crew member in the form of Baltar. All that remained were a handful of gold coins; hiding everything would have been too obvious. I for one took a chance and kept Rowyn’s Rapier and 50 gold coins to aid in the ruse. Upon their arrival, I insisted to see some credentials, unfortunately, all looked legitimate. As I handed back the document, I noticed our captors had hungry eyes upon the female portion of my crew. Their first order of business was a permanent transfer of four female “play things”, a personal request from their captain. I stood in my crew’s defense as I saw a great deal of fear in all their lovely eyes. I explain to them the difference between a need and a want, but they would have none of it, they simply replied with threats. Just before they got a chance to signal their ship to fire a warning shot, I quickly spotted the Sindorei on board a long boat leaving the Glaive. The man in front of me then gave me one last chance to comply. No woman should have to be subjected to such treachery. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse; I surrendered my weapon in exchange for the women’s freedom, including Sindorei. They agreed as they saw the value of the gift I had offered them. From this day forth, the lovely Sindorei will be gazing upon the stars on board the Nixie.
Day 39, Something in the Woods:
Today we spotted several columns of smoke, coming from the jungle. Tis note worthy but no one had an interest in investigating the situation further. Both ships maintained their course and speed. Note to self, hire a new cook; this rubbish I concocted should be considered a banned substance. I simply don’t know how they put up with it. Why do all the lovely ladies smile and pretend to like it, what is a handsome devil to do? Well, at least Lefty has enough sense to use the waste pail.
Day 43, The Incident at Fort Greenrock:
Shore leave was cancelled, no thanks to that bloody Meravanchi. Sorry, that “bloody” comment may have come a little too soon. Yes he’s dead, by the hand of Crimson no doubt. It would seem that too much pleasure can indeed kill a man. She insisted that it was an accident, and she’s so god damn believable as she stood there in utter shock. I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even made it to her bedchambers… Anyhow, that Meravanchi fellow caused his own demise; that fool attempted to purchase a few hours of “quality time” with the Mayer’s daughter; real intelligent. That plan failed as the Mayer dragged him to the center square and elected to partake in a violent display for all to see. He then insisted that we leave town immediately, or suffer the same fate. During that time, Lavinia & I were on the Glaive sampling their chef’s fine cuisine, most delightful. The bloody Meravanchi stood before me, still looking for sexual satisfaction. He then offered me 500 gold coins in return for one of my crew. Just as I was about to refuse, Crimson stepped in and offered herself. At that moment, I took my money and left, this was a battle she’d have to face herself. The next day a meeting was held where everyone was informed of Crimson’s pleasure techniques, strong enough for a man like Garland apparently… yet, risky for an already mangled Meravanchi. Our voyage was delayed several hours as the Glaive insisted on rejoicing his death; nobody really did like him. At that moment, I took the opportunity to comfort by beloved and insisted that she not worry about the Mayer position in Farshore. Little does she know, I’ve already though up of a suitable replacement. As for Crimson and Garland, our ongoing investigation will continue once we reach our next stop in two weeks time.
Day 48, The Beast:
Today marked the day we all witnessed the all mighty Hydra, a beast with seven heads. Apparently, two heads grow when one is severed, right…, I’ll believe when I see it. It all began when we spotted a shipwreck along the shoreline. I’ll have to admit that my curiosity got the best of me as I commanded the ship to halt in order to assess the situation. The Glaive slowed and met up with us moments later. I knew that this was a little too good to be true, but the opportunity to gather supplies and perhaps, valuables, was nearly impossible to ignore. It was then when Cindel sent forth her crocodile companion to investigate the scene; unfortunately, her reptilian friend did not fare so well against the mighty beast, hidden beneath the dark waters. It was now clear that the treasure trove that loomed before us had not been pillaged yet; greed slowly began to infiltrate our ranks… But in the end, I did not wish to place my crew in any sort of danger and reluctantly voted against a possible expedition. The others agreed.
Day 54, Port Town of Renkrue:
Another attempt to discover Crimson’s true intentions have failed… once again. Whoever or what ever is protecting her has also opted to protect Garland as well. This is very… unsettling. I must exercise caution. But in the end, I’ve no doubt the truth will reveal itself. She’s already leaked, on several occasions now, clues to confirm my suspicions. I suppose I’ll just have to wait until she makes yet another mistake. Anyhow, all was not lost; the city had much to offer. I took my beloved out to dinner and treated her to the “Exclusive Package” at the local bathhouse. It was also nice to get a nice clean shave.
Day 67, All or Nothing:
The timing was perfect, peering out the kitchen window; I spotted Lavinia at the bow of the ship… alone… gazing at the open sea as the sun was setting. It was time. I freshened up and made my way towards her. I embraced her from behind and spoke gentle into her ear. I proposed to her and she joyfully accepted without hesitation. I’ve had a lot of time in the last five or so months to make this pivotal decision. I’ve asked myself every single night till this day if she was the “One”. Never have I expressed feelings of doubt. The love making has been plentiful and has not diminished in intensity, no man could ask for more. But in all honesty, I can clearly see myself growing old with, especially if she’ll look anything like her mother… What can I say…, she… brings out the best in me.
Day 82, The Lost Ruins of Tamoachan:
The Lost Ruins of Tamoachan, our next destination. Apparently, an artifact within will protect us from the “savage affliction”, so says Crimson… Luckily, the ruins were in plain sight, our ranger friend would not be forced onto the away team, but Skald insisted on braving the dangers. A mere 10 minute stroll stood before us in order to reach our destination, yet we were welcomed with fowl odor in the air. Upon our arrival at the entrance, the source of this fowl odor had been located. The beast resting upon the staircase had been identified as a Basilisk, one with the ability to turn one’s flesh to stone. Skald and myself attempted to down the vile reptile with our arrows as the others took up a defensive position. Unfortunately, our attacks only aggravated our target as it awoke and feasted his eye upon yours truly. I quickly unsheathed Verik’s blade and stabbed the Basilisk in the neck as it failed to knock me off my feet with his charge. There I was, one on one with the Basilisk as I stared right into his eyes with no ill effect. Crimson opted to utilize my Magic Missile wand from a more that safe distance. Garland’s bravery was also lacking as he moved in and out of harms way while poking it with his stick. In the end, his tactic would be his undoing as I had noticed him in statue form. So the legend was true… when I came to the realization that my opponent was indeed perilous, my body, coincidently, began to stiffen. Death was upon once again, all I could think of was… my beloved. But the Basilisk would be dined victory as that single thought gave me the strength to fend off the affliction. In retaliation, I stabbed the Basilisk through the skull, thus ending its reign of terror. The Gnome Urol then applied one of two antidotes upon the Stoned Garland and revived him. We then attempted to dispose of the beast only to discover its mate. A strategical retreat became the logical course of action. We quickly made our way to the Ruin’s entrance and fooled the vile predator in taking an alternate trail in which to peruse. When the coast was clear, we entered. Two paths stood before us and we then partook in a lengthy debate weather to go left or right, do not ask me why. So we went right, or was it left, I don’t even remember, anyhow… It was pitch black; therefore Garland, with his radiant Bisento, and I bravely led the pack in hopes to locate traps. We eventually found ourselves in a large room filled with ancient pictorials. Urol attended to his studies as I made my way to the room’s center. The bloody Gnome must have touched something as the wall near the entrance erupted in flames and the wall of fire began moving towards us. On the bright side, the room had been completely illuminated revealing a passage on the eastern wall, I signaled the others and made my way to safety along side Crimson. Garland was stuck with the Gnome who apparently opted to ignore the raging inferno. Garland’s conscious would not fail on this day as he sacrificed his body and rushed the Gnome to safety while suffering a few mild burns. Skald, unfortunately, did not heed my call, one peek into the room and his demise was confirmed; nothing more than a pile of ash. As for the rest of us, we took a moment to heal our wounds and made our way down the passage leading us to a dead end…
To be continued…
We were successful in retrieving a 100’ foot tree to replace the mast. We have Skald to thank for supplying us with safe passage. The engineer had estimated eight or so days in order to make repairs. After gathering food and supplies, I had Lavinia join me for a romantic walk along the beach. We had a lovely pick nick…, among other things…
Day 30, The Brotherhood:
Upon exiting the creek after repairs, our journey had been delayed further as a Scarlet Brotherhood blockade made its presence felt. They required a contribution, from our part obviously, to aid in their little war against the pirates. The three armed Brotherhood vessels were more that enough to grant them our full cooperation. As we made preparations, Crimson spoke against her affiliation and questioned their actions. I, on the other hand, knew very well that this was standard procedure amongst the Brotherhood, not all that different from pirates themselves… what can you do… That being said, we were not going to offer them much. We took the time to strip our vessels of our valuables and hid them in Max’s coral dwelling beneath the Nixie. Guarding it was Garland in Hecuva disguise with the aid of a “Water Breathing” potion. Another charge from the “Disguise Self Wand” was used to shape change a random crew member in the form of Baltar. All that remained were a handful of gold coins; hiding everything would have been too obvious. I for one took a chance and kept Rowyn’s Rapier and 50 gold coins to aid in the ruse. Upon their arrival, I insisted to see some credentials, unfortunately, all looked legitimate. As I handed back the document, I noticed our captors had hungry eyes upon the female portion of my crew. Their first order of business was a permanent transfer of four female “play things”, a personal request from their captain. I stood in my crew’s defense as I saw a great deal of fear in all their lovely eyes. I explain to them the difference between a need and a want, but they would have none of it, they simply replied with threats. Just before they got a chance to signal their ship to fire a warning shot, I quickly spotted the Sindorei on board a long boat leaving the Glaive. The man in front of me then gave me one last chance to comply. No woman should have to be subjected to such treachery. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse; I surrendered my weapon in exchange for the women’s freedom, including Sindorei. They agreed as they saw the value of the gift I had offered them. From this day forth, the lovely Sindorei will be gazing upon the stars on board the Nixie.
Day 39, Something in the Woods:
Today we spotted several columns of smoke, coming from the jungle. Tis note worthy but no one had an interest in investigating the situation further. Both ships maintained their course and speed. Note to self, hire a new cook; this rubbish I concocted should be considered a banned substance. I simply don’t know how they put up with it. Why do all the lovely ladies smile and pretend to like it, what is a handsome devil to do? Well, at least Lefty has enough sense to use the waste pail.
Day 43, The Incident at Fort Greenrock:
Shore leave was cancelled, no thanks to that bloody Meravanchi. Sorry, that “bloody” comment may have come a little too soon. Yes he’s dead, by the hand of Crimson no doubt. It would seem that too much pleasure can indeed kill a man. She insisted that it was an accident, and she’s so god damn believable as she stood there in utter shock. I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even made it to her bedchambers… Anyhow, that Meravanchi fellow caused his own demise; that fool attempted to purchase a few hours of “quality time” with the Mayer’s daughter; real intelligent. That plan failed as the Mayer dragged him to the center square and elected to partake in a violent display for all to see. He then insisted that we leave town immediately, or suffer the same fate. During that time, Lavinia & I were on the Glaive sampling their chef’s fine cuisine, most delightful. The bloody Meravanchi stood before me, still looking for sexual satisfaction. He then offered me 500 gold coins in return for one of my crew. Just as I was about to refuse, Crimson stepped in and offered herself. At that moment, I took my money and left, this was a battle she’d have to face herself. The next day a meeting was held where everyone was informed of Crimson’s pleasure techniques, strong enough for a man like Garland apparently… yet, risky for an already mangled Meravanchi. Our voyage was delayed several hours as the Glaive insisted on rejoicing his death; nobody really did like him. At that moment, I took the opportunity to comfort by beloved and insisted that she not worry about the Mayer position in Farshore. Little does she know, I’ve already though up of a suitable replacement. As for Crimson and Garland, our ongoing investigation will continue once we reach our next stop in two weeks time.
Day 48, The Beast:
Today marked the day we all witnessed the all mighty Hydra, a beast with seven heads. Apparently, two heads grow when one is severed, right…, I’ll believe when I see it. It all began when we spotted a shipwreck along the shoreline. I’ll have to admit that my curiosity got the best of me as I commanded the ship to halt in order to assess the situation. The Glaive slowed and met up with us moments later. I knew that this was a little too good to be true, but the opportunity to gather supplies and perhaps, valuables, was nearly impossible to ignore. It was then when Cindel sent forth her crocodile companion to investigate the scene; unfortunately, her reptilian friend did not fare so well against the mighty beast, hidden beneath the dark waters. It was now clear that the treasure trove that loomed before us had not been pillaged yet; greed slowly began to infiltrate our ranks… But in the end, I did not wish to place my crew in any sort of danger and reluctantly voted against a possible expedition. The others agreed.
Day 54, Port Town of Renkrue:
Another attempt to discover Crimson’s true intentions have failed… once again. Whoever or what ever is protecting her has also opted to protect Garland as well. This is very… unsettling. I must exercise caution. But in the end, I’ve no doubt the truth will reveal itself. She’s already leaked, on several occasions now, clues to confirm my suspicions. I suppose I’ll just have to wait until she makes yet another mistake. Anyhow, all was not lost; the city had much to offer. I took my beloved out to dinner and treated her to the “Exclusive Package” at the local bathhouse. It was also nice to get a nice clean shave.
Day 67, All or Nothing:
The timing was perfect, peering out the kitchen window; I spotted Lavinia at the bow of the ship… alone… gazing at the open sea as the sun was setting. It was time. I freshened up and made my way towards her. I embraced her from behind and spoke gentle into her ear. I proposed to her and she joyfully accepted without hesitation. I’ve had a lot of time in the last five or so months to make this pivotal decision. I’ve asked myself every single night till this day if she was the “One”. Never have I expressed feelings of doubt. The love making has been plentiful and has not diminished in intensity, no man could ask for more. But in all honesty, I can clearly see myself growing old with, especially if she’ll look anything like her mother… What can I say…, she… brings out the best in me.
Day 82, The Lost Ruins of Tamoachan:
The Lost Ruins of Tamoachan, our next destination. Apparently, an artifact within will protect us from the “savage affliction”, so says Crimson… Luckily, the ruins were in plain sight, our ranger friend would not be forced onto the away team, but Skald insisted on braving the dangers. A mere 10 minute stroll stood before us in order to reach our destination, yet we were welcomed with fowl odor in the air. Upon our arrival at the entrance, the source of this fowl odor had been located. The beast resting upon the staircase had been identified as a Basilisk, one with the ability to turn one’s flesh to stone. Skald and myself attempted to down the vile reptile with our arrows as the others took up a defensive position. Unfortunately, our attacks only aggravated our target as it awoke and feasted his eye upon yours truly. I quickly unsheathed Verik’s blade and stabbed the Basilisk in the neck as it failed to knock me off my feet with his charge. There I was, one on one with the Basilisk as I stared right into his eyes with no ill effect. Crimson opted to utilize my Magic Missile wand from a more that safe distance. Garland’s bravery was also lacking as he moved in and out of harms way while poking it with his stick. In the end, his tactic would be his undoing as I had noticed him in statue form. So the legend was true… when I came to the realization that my opponent was indeed perilous, my body, coincidently, began to stiffen. Death was upon once again, all I could think of was… my beloved. But the Basilisk would be dined victory as that single thought gave me the strength to fend off the affliction. In retaliation, I stabbed the Basilisk through the skull, thus ending its reign of terror. The Gnome Urol then applied one of two antidotes upon the Stoned Garland and revived him. We then attempted to dispose of the beast only to discover its mate. A strategical retreat became the logical course of action. We quickly made our way to the Ruin’s entrance and fooled the vile predator in taking an alternate trail in which to peruse. When the coast was clear, we entered. Two paths stood before us and we then partook in a lengthy debate weather to go left or right, do not ask me why. So we went right, or was it left, I don’t even remember, anyhow… It was pitch black; therefore Garland, with his radiant Bisento, and I bravely led the pack in hopes to locate traps. We eventually found ourselves in a large room filled with ancient pictorials. Urol attended to his studies as I made my way to the room’s center. The bloody Gnome must have touched something as the wall near the entrance erupted in flames and the wall of fire began moving towards us. On the bright side, the room had been completely illuminated revealing a passage on the eastern wall, I signaled the others and made my way to safety along side Crimson. Garland was stuck with the Gnome who apparently opted to ignore the raging inferno. Garland’s conscious would not fail on this day as he sacrificed his body and rushed the Gnome to safety while suffering a few mild burns. Skald, unfortunately, did not heed my call, one peek into the room and his demise was confirmed; nothing more than a pile of ash. As for the rest of us, we took a moment to heal our wounds and made our way down the passage leading us to a dead end…
To be continued…
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