Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


Session 15: Player Thoughts

For myself, this past session turned out to be great one for my character. With most of my efforts spent on fleshing out Glaive as a character at the beginnings of the campaign, I’m still having trouble exploring how I want to play Crimson. And with only a few lines to Mark, regarding a history for her, I can’t really build much on her past because there’s just not much to go on. Most characters I make, I can almost see their lives played out before me. This is why past characters like Glaive, Dunewalker, the illustrious Verodemocrium, Eliminster all had pages and pages of history that I wrote for them. But I just can’t seem to get that vision of Crimson that I’ve had for all my other characters. True she was a last minute add-on to the party, yet I’ve had enough time to think of something, yet I keep drawing a blank. Now I know the other players are probably reading this and might be thinking that I’m lying through my teeth on this. And maybe I am, mwahhaha ha. What I do realize though is that my situation seems to fit with the other characters. True, Garland has a more detailed history than Crimson’s, but I don’t see a complete picture for him. And as circumstance would have it, everyone from his history is gone. As for Gustav, its possible Bob does have a grandiose past for him that he’s not telling us much about. For the moment, all we know is that there was a past encounter between Gustav and Lavinia, the details of which are sketchy at best. We’re all hoping for another Feleene-type movie for Gustav in the near future.

I think the personality I’ve finally truly settled on is a character who tries her best to be as helpful as possible, while only putting herself at risk to prove to everyone that she is not up to some devious scheme. The way I’ve set up her persona so far has been one of slight mystery. Where every secret note I pass, the players think that I’m secretly working for the enemy or that I’m plotting to have the next Father Feres assassinated. So characterwise, there is little to realistically suspect. But playerwise, I try to give to all the players a reason or two to suspect something anyway. It’s a fun game to make Crimson seem grander than she might be. Or perhaps she is more grand than anyone suspects? Ah the game just never ends. One of the things I’m noticing is that Gustav seems to be starting to get into the game as well. Several recent secret notes to the DM have got me curious as to what he might be cooking up. It’s good to see. We are supposed to be an evil party more or less and I think all of our characters should at least be watching to the left and to the right to ensure our “allies” are truly allies. The session before last I thought Garland had actually faked his death, and I was right. Perhaps I should see about trying to find out a little bit more about Gustav. Perhaps someone should look into Crimson’s past with the Scarlet Brotherhood. Perhaps this Cindel and Garland have a secret agreement of some sorts. I think what will be interesting is when we all get to a point in the campaign where all the secrets are revealed on the table for all to see and yet we STILL believe there is an incredible amount of info that remains hidden by our friends.

In this last session, one unknown was finally discovered. For the better part of the game, we were trying to figure out who had murdered Feres, the poisoning of Garland, and then later the death of Marlena. Admittedly I found the first part of the session to be a little slow. It just seemed like every single idea we came up with, didn’t bring us any closer whatsoever. We found out that at one point there were two Marlena’s around, making us believe there was a doppelganger on board. Then there were the few clues we found that were obvious plants to make it look like someone else had done deed. We thought we were making headway when the horse below deck told us of a stranger he had seen hanging around. Finally I had Crimson shine as I thought perhaps the intruder was hiding below the ship. Sure enough, Garland and Gustav went down to check up on this idea, only to come back up to the surface with bloodied bodies as proof of confirmation of Crimson’s idea.

Near the end of the session we faced off against a monstrous ooze that began devouring the ship. Thanks to a team effort though, we were able to beat it off. I had Crimson show off some bravery as I sent her in to face off against the monster body to body lest it sunder the ship in two. I was able to use some smarts with my character as some timely cures on Garland, an enfeeblement and negative energy on the ooze, helped to save the ship. What was fun about this and the encounter with the hecuva that had been killing people on our ship was it gave me a chance to be an impact player in battles. And also that, given our supremely limited combat ability in our party, we still managed to pull out two incredible wins against challenges that seemed well beyond our capabilities of dealing with. Then again, they were only single entities which is usually an easier fight. All in all it was yet another fun session and, as always, I’m looking forward to the next one.


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