Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


Session 12: Player Thoughts

Secret Message and Kraken’s Cove Adventure

One of the most troubling things for any player I think, is to watch as another player writes and hands over a secret note to the DM. Our DM expected this would happen often and gave each of us a little booklet to do so, given that we are a party of rogues. So far I have passed a secret note at least once per session, hoping that the reaction of what I mentioned above was accomplished. Am I up to mischief? Which of my two characters is actually doing these secret things? What could be so important that I would want to hide what I’m doing when the campaign is only barely starting to roll on? Have I been sending fake notes? Well my fellow readers and fellow players, I am feeling in the mood for revelations this morning. I have and will indeed continue to send fake notes to the DM. There is a reason behind this of course. One is to put everyone on edge. The other is to make everyone think my characters are playing a larger part than they really are. Even though both my characters are level five, their power expectations have been greatly diminished than what I had envisioned. I spend literally hours trying to figure out the best option for my characters when they level up, mostly going to my first idea in the end (case in point, deflect arrows feat for Crimson). This stunning honesty may or may not be a surprise to my fellow players as I have, in past campaigns, sent fake notes before. Whether Bob and Eric believe these words is up to them, as of course I have naturally lied before, being a DM once every 2 or 3 campaigns of ours.

There have been some occasions where the notes that I’ve passed have been real notes. Two of the major reasons I actually revealed last session, though the players may not have picked up on it. The first was the interrogation of the Taxidermist guy whom I brought to my Scarlet Brotherhood Affiliation buddies. Some of the notes that passed between Mark and myself were regarding this, which in the end paid off. For in the secret exchanges I was able to get a piece of information very vital to the campaign and indeed our very survival. We are to recover an unknown artifact at a place called Tamo-Achan. This will protect us from the toxins in the air that, that to this past session, would have turned us all into monsters on a failed Fort save. And that there is a gnome who will be able to help us recover it once he approaches us.

The other secret that had been passed in the notes is my Glaive’s involvement with the Priestess Kera of Pelor. Where does Glaive sleep when he is neither at Lavinia’s nor the ship? Now you all have the answer. A vagabond and a priestess together, oh the scandal.

So that’s it pretty much. I wanted to get he message out there that neither Glaive nor Crimson is plotting against the party. We have seen this in a former member of our D&D group, and we know how much it is not a likable situation for anyone else, particularly the DM. But to Bob and Eric, I employ you both to continue to fear dreaded pencil on note-pad, in case my some insane, demonic, savage tide, that I should change my ways…. Mwaaahh, ha, hahhhhh!!!!

Oh, quickly regarding this past session, it was great. There was a lot of rollplaying that really moved it along great. I did find that Eric and I kind of stole a lot of the spot light as Glaive and Garland plotting a lot of dastardly deeds at the beginning of the session though. But when Lavinia is around, that is Gustav’s time to shine. You have Bob bringing the romance rollplaying into the picture. And you and Eric and myself bringing the buffoonery into the campaign. The two combined has made for a nice campaign so far. How we’ve gotten through each situation and how we’ve handled every speed bump is about how we all envisioned it would be for this party, if even more dramatic. And I think this might be a reason why I am not disappointed with the lack of power my two characters, nor the other characters possess. The non battle situations outweigh the battles 10 – 1 in most campaigns, making us all perfect to deal with those non-battle battles.

Valantru = Orbius? Quite the surprise. Shock value 8/10
Drackus = Orbius? Kinda saw that coming. Shock value 2/10

Can’t wait for the next session.



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