Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


DM Thoughts: Session 11

So as we have now completed our first "real" chapter of Savage Tide, I thought this week I'd give my thoughts on the challenges faced by our party in Chapter Two.

First encounter, versus the "Dawn Council" members on the Blue Nixie:
A moderate challenge that was made a lot easier by smart tactics and good thinking from the party. By taking on their opponents only a few at a time, and keeping the positioning in their favor, the group avoided a lot of potential sneak attack damage, which would have been quite difficult for level one characters to survive. They also demonstrated that their own tactics (skirmish, criticals, magic) were quite effective against humanoid opponents, which will be quite numerous throughout the campaign.

Second encounter, versus the Iron Cobra in the vault under Castle Teraknian:
Where their special abilities aided them greatly in the first fight, those same abilities were quite ineffective against this construct. The party was therefore much more hard-pressed to earn a victory - with in coming down to Garland's strength and power in the end (along with a couple of potions to keep him in the fight). A far bigger challenge.

Third encounter, versus ravenous zombies and a huecuva under Parrot Island:
Another great challenge, as the undead possessed many of the same defenses as the earlier construct, including immunity to critical and sneak/skirmish damage, and damage reduction. Some confusion over grappling rules also contributed towards the death of Gustave in the first fight, though the major reason for his death was the combination of a new and unknown enemy, and a very untimely critical miss from Garland. The rest of the dungeon, especially the huecuva fight at the end, in a pool filled with dangerous urchins, was also a serious challenge for the party - though in the end, they pulled out a win.

Fourth encounter, versus Lotus Dragons in their guildhall:
Here, the party made excellent use of tactics and improvising with their surroundings, by using their wits to turn rum barrels into rolling explosive devices. This, combined with the element of surprise, allowed them to make quick work of all humanoid enemies within the complex. The only humans who posed a bit of a threat here were the "Dawn Council" members who ambushed the party with sneak attacks (fighter/rogues with longswords - ouch). Two more dangerous encounters in the guildhall were against a rhagodessa (who seriously injured Garland and Glaive) and a bugbear zombie (who dealt serious wounds to Gustave). All in all, though, the guildhall was easier for the group that both the vault and Parrot Island had been. In great part, this was thanks to them not having to deal with Rowyn Kellani just yet - as their loud and slow means of approach gave her more than enough time to make an escape via Potion of Gaseous Form, to travel through a vent toward the rowboat area.

Fifth encounter, versus Lotus Dragons at the dock / secret exit from the guildhall:
As this was more than an hour after Rowyn had been alerted within the guildhall, all that was left was the "cleanup crew" of four Lotus Dragon Elites, who were the last to leave the complex. These four were caught and battled at the dock, however, by the party. And while they were more powerful than previously encountered Lotuses, the few wounds they dealt the party were not enough to pose all that serious of a threat.

Thus, my chapter awards for Biggest Challenge, and Biggest Pushover, go to...

For proving to be just about the most indestructible thing a level one party has ever had to face.

BIGGEST PUSHOVER: The Lotus Dragons in the guildhall!
For getting massacred by their very own rum supply.

Stay tuned next week, for the start of Chapter Three!


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