Savage Tide

Chronicling the adventures of Gustave, Glaive, Garland and Crimson, on the Southern Seas near Sasserine.


Session 07: Player Thoughts

There are times when a campaign calls for a moment or two of action to start things rolling along, and this was the case this last session. Our characters were all made before the revelation that this would likely be a rollplaying campaign. It was simply a coincidence that we all came with different character ideas whose feats and prestige classes had little in the way of supreme combat. No fighters, no knights of the Chalice, no Evangelist Champions. Just a couple of rogue-type characters with a few little boosts around them to get the job done should it be needed. Though the Shackled City was an admittedly easy campaign, the Age of Worms was as difficult a test as we have ever seen. With this being sort of a premonition for the third chapter, the Savage Tide, I think we all figured that our characters would be dead by the end anyway so why envision a power crazy character ? All of us players still believe we really don’t stand a chance at making it even to the halfway, mark by the way. After this last session though, I do now believe that we might actually stand a slight chance at making it to at least chapter 7 or so.

The only real memorable highlight was the single battle we had that probably lasted us about 2 hours. Garland is about the only character who is actually capable of charging into battle, and that’s a pretty borderline call. As you will see in the writeup when it’s posted, our party used a tactic that we’ve never before used and one which went to the edge and over of the sort of tactics we always stay away from. This has to do with our general sense of humor that finds such game play to be less humorous, and also because we had a former member of our group who turned all his characters (male and female) into characters that you would see in a porno flik. Logically our plan was quite sound, and thankfully worked quite well. Knowing our extreme limitations in close combat, we used what our characters were capable of to almost perfection. If it had not been for a lucky hit on Garland, none of us would have even dropped. Our DM told us ahead of time that we’d be facing a battle that TPKed a great number of parties at the start of Savage Tide and that this battle was it. Yet we passed the test easily, gaining some valuable info in the process as well thanks to some good Bluff checks to make the crew think we were Lotus Dragons. All this to say that we’ve had a couple of sessions that were all talk, talk, talk, and it really felt right for a battle that meant something. In the end, I think all of us players had a sense great accomplishment. Gustav did an honorable thing for Lavinia, Glaive negotiated beforehand to gain ownership up the Sea Nixie if Lavinia’s ring was recovered, Garland would be the captain of the Sea Nixie as his brother promised, and Crimson got to punch through a wooden grate in the deck in order to reach the boss below. Even before the battle, some thinking and unthinking rollplaying by everyone brokered some info and concrete proof of the alliances of several NPC’s we’ve had recent dealings with. And as I write this, I’m already thinking of interesting ways of how we can gain further info from these same people. Me thinks the sharks will be mighty full after the next session. Can’t wait for the fun.


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