Summary 07: Bloodshed on the Nixie
**Placing a few logs upon the open fire pit, Garland turned around and sat back at his small desk. Opening a small vial of ink and dipping his quill within, he began writing in his journal once more**
Heading to Shadowshore was not something I enjoyed doing. Besides all the shady people within the streets and that pompous Emil Dracktus whom I still believe to be the head master of all corruption in Sasserrineā¦ it was a filthy run down area. We entered the Fish Lips bar that both Anzak and Max visited often and we began asking around for either of the two. It was obvious that Anzak had not been seen in some time, though Max continued to visit on a nightly basis so we waited the few hours until he showed up. Walking up to the man I requested a gaming session with him, stakes besides the money upon the table was the answering of a question given. He selected something called Poker which he briefly explained to me. Though I lost more money than I gained, I was able to find out that Max had seen Anzak a few days ago and that they frequently went into the forest to hunt game for the Area in town. Reporting back to the others Crimson then made her way to Max I assumed to flirt with, but to my surprise ended up swindling the poor man of both his money and what he knew. She also arranged a hunting date for the lot of us, in hopes to acquire further game for the area and to perhaps locate Anzak within the forest. After much thought we all turned down the offer of Max and instead paid visit to the Area itself.
Questioning the head man there on the whereabouts of Anzak, he informed us that his bi-weekly visit with game was already past due, making us believe that perhaps Anzak left town for good. After running around like a bunch of headless fish upon land without further clues, the Sea Gods themselves showed us the path in the form of a messenger to Lavinia. The Council had decided it time to formally announce the deaths of the Vanderboren's and papers awaited signage from Lavinia to take possession of their whole estate. As we all march forth towards the Council, my brother Glaive pulled me aside and thought of something that only someone with a twisted mind could. Perhaps everything that had happened in recent days was all Lavinia's doing in order to gain possession of the wealth of her parents. Though absurd as it sounded, Glaive pushed me to travel ahead to inform the council of this possible scenario and to make a minor clause in the official documents stating that if Lavinia were to ever be found guilty of murdering, or having her parents murdered, then the fortune would fall to next of kin. My brother and I of course kept this between ourselves, not giving any word to either Gustave or Crimson in fear of disapproval or perhaps worse.
Once all documents were signed, and a few tears from Lavinia were shed, she informed us about the Seeker's Ring that we gave her a few days back was in fact a key to open the treasures that were rightfully hers, locked away in a vault beneath Castle Teraknian. Though going our separate ways, all our destinations would eventually lead us to the same place. Glaive convinced our mother Seoni to join us as we feared that perhaps someone would attempt to rob Lavinia of her wealth. Though this did not in fact happen, what did occur frustrated me greatly. The Seeker ring upon the charred remains of the Vanderborne and now in the possession of Lavinia was nothing more than a fake. The fake ring could not grant us access to the vaults, and the fool who was in charge would not bend the rules by allowing us access. In fact we were told that formal papers had to be processed to acquire access to the master signet key, and that the time period would be approximately two full weeks. Try as we might to gain access there on the spot, that sea dog wouldn't roll over. Returning to Lavina's manor we began searching for the possibility of another Seeker's Ring, when the butler himself informed us of another said ring located within the Blue Nixie. A hidden compartment within the fine vessel held what we sought.
Making our way towards the dock area, we took notice that the Blue Nixie began to set sail with several unknown individuals on board. Rushing to the dock master, an individual whom Glaive and I bumped into the other day, we demanded to know why that ship was sailing away without the permission of the owner whom happened to be by our side. His response was that the Dawn Council had a warrant to search the vessel for evidence relating to the mysterious deaths of the Vanderbornes. I was taken slightly back by his response and called out to the ship waving my own Council badge asking to board. The ship halted and two individuals rowed back to dock to speak to us and gave the same speech that the dock master had given. To clarify matters I took it upon myself to run back to Shadowshore and speak to Emil directly, who surprisingly was fully aware of the search and made it quite clear that he did not want me to help in any way, shape or form. Returning to the others and informing them all that was said, we pondered the situation. Crimson took the opportunity to make a side trip on her own to speak to Max both about their date that evening and about perhaps helping Lavinia secure her wealth. During the conversation she apparently felt uneasy about a few of his responses making it seem as though he knew more than he was letting on. Returning she informed us all as we stood there staring at the ship that set anchor not too far away. Feeling uneasy about the whole investigation upon the Blue Nixie, and Emil's sudden distrust in my abilities we all agreed to sneak aboard the ship and make our way into the holding area to obtain Verik's hidden Seeker's Ring. We all knew the danger in such an attempt and Lavinia thought it wise to remain behind. The foolish girl believed us to all take the blame for such a crime if we were all discovered and caught, though any questions directed at me would result in the brutal honest answer of Lavinia asking us to board the ship for her. Not only was I risking my life for this noble, but my own reputation and new job within the Dawn Council itself. Though recent events makes me question its honest work with Dracktus as head leader, I still can't help but hope for something grand to come from working within the political structure.
Knowing that our target laid roughly 200 yards from dock, we knew that taking a dip within the cold waters was our only means. At the time I believed we had several advantages over our foes. Knowing ships quite well I believed that dousing one of the three light lanterns would allow us a tactical advantage against the investigating Dawn Council members on board. My brother Glaive has been studying magic for some time now and though I've never seen any promise from him in that department, I knew that if his life was in peril whatever powers he learnt would be fully used. Gustave apparently isn't as pathetic as he lets on, as he is more skilled in a rapier than I am with my own whaling spear. With all these contributions I had no doubt that the pencil pushing investigating Council members would easily be subdued. The only matter at hand left to resolve was boarding the ship unseen in order to gain the surprise attack. Looking over the body of that pole dancer Crimson once more, I believed that her talents could be used even in this situation. With our plan set, we made our way towards the Blue Nixie.
As the men waited near the ropes by the starboard, Crimson began a topless backstroke by the larboard in hopes to grab the attention of the men on watch. Sure enough the pole dancer's skills lured the three men that we on watch allowing for the rest of us to make our surprise attack. Glaive was able to reach the center mast, blowing out the light allowing the concealment of darkness to aid in our approach. Gustave positioned himself in the darkness by the stairs to the bow of the ship so that he could rush one of the distracted men. I took it upon myself to head into the middle of danger using the darkness as cover and my reach weapon to keep some distance between me and my attacker, however as I lunged with my Bisento my assailant leaned forwards more to get a closer look at Crimson resulting in my utter miss. Fully aware of our presence and Crimson' distraction, my assailant turned towards me taking a sweep at the darkness, while his two friends took aim for anything that caught there eyes. Gustave took this moment to rush towards the man closest to him dodging the shot fired and plunged his rapier through his throat. I was utterly shocked to see this young teacher of the erotic arts so skillful in the blade and killing the man before him. Caught off guard by his attack I again missed striking my own and took a few steps back to reorganize my thoughts. My cowardly brother remained close by the center mast which continued to shroud him in darkness. Moving however might not have been the smartest thing I did, as the moonlight might have caught a piece of metallic from my chainshirt allowing the remaining crossbow to strike me in the side. Though the pain was tolerable we needed to take control of the situation fast as a call for aid was yelled for those down below to hear.
Gustave remained by the bow to surprise any newcomers that would emerge from the hold below, while Glaive pulled out a sack of Caltrops and began spreading them on deck in hopes to slow down the arriving help of the council men. Once more I lunged forwards striking the man in front of me with as little force as possible dropping him with the certainty that he was still alive but simply unconscious. Crimson used our distraction to allow her to safely climb to the stern of the ship where she caught the remaining man off guard as she began punching him in the ribs. She then yelled out something along the lines of their inability to do a good job and how the Lotus Dragons were on board to clean things up. The response given almost didn't surprise me as the Dragons and the Council had an apparent arrangement which was now broken, due to 'our' interference. There apparently is much more than meets the eyes with that dancer as her sharp mind matches her looks. As things looked more towards our favor, two other investigators emerged each skillfully wielding rapiers. I found it odd that these pencil pushers held their weapons with such skill and confidence, but that didn't stop Gustave from running down the stairs midway thrusting his rapier through the armor of one said investigator. Injured but still alive both men turned to attack Gustave thrusting their own blades into his shoulder causing blood to drip down his arm. Luckily for us that was not Gustave's weapon arm, or the entire battle might have ended differently. Keeping my head low and in the darkness as much as possible, I attacked the uninjured man from behind successfully knocking him out. Worried about revealing himself in the darkness with his spells, Glaive thought it over a few seconds before turning towards the man Crimson was fighting and took aim with his finger. It was the first time I ever saw such a powerful offencive spell cast by my brother, as his orb struck his target nearly knocking him out. Though I'm somewhat jealous that he is able to do something that i cannot... at least he finally has the means to protect himself and can for once stand up to those who push him around. Crimson stood still almost giving her attacker the chance to surrender, but as he raised his crossbow to fire point blank at her, she jabbed her elbow into his gut knocking him unconscious making him no longer a threat.
Gustave must have had some sort of grunge on the man who struck him, because just as before his fury was that of something I've never seen before. Striking his target in the heart killing him instantly, makes me wonder whether or not Gustave was thinking properly. If we failed in our mission and were questioned, the fool would be hung for murder where as the rest of us would be prisoned for trespassing. Before this eve was done Gustave killed two other individuals whilst the rest of us took care and knocked out our third assailant. Relieved that we were all alive and were doing quite well, we were caught off guard as the light grate on deck was suddenly ripped off from below by a pair of tentacles. As we all took several steps back and prepared to defend ourselves, some sort of monstrous creature lifted itself onto the main deck and stepped towards me. Taking a jab and injuring it, it quickly retaliated by grabbing my waist bringing my closer and biting down upon my chest. After that I don't know what had happened except for what my brother told me. Crimson picked up one of the crossbows and fired from a distance injuring the creature which Glaive later researched and found out to be a Rhagodessa. Gustave pierced the massive beast with his rapier, and my brother launched another orb of ice terminating its life. As my own life was waning from existence they began conversing with someone in the cargo hold from on deck who was ready to terminate his own life by burning down the ship as to not allow the 'Lotus Dragons' to get one up on the Council. Disturbed by his threat both Crimson and Gustave jumped down the light grate in hopes to quickly dispose of the last remaining Council member, but not before handing Glaive two potion of curing to bring me back to consciousness.
As my eyes fluttered open for a brief moment I thought I had died and gone to hell as the first thing I saw was my brother grinning down at me. He saved my life obviously to up show me in being the better man or to perhaps expect a debt to be returned. Before I could even say a word he thrusted into my arms another potion of healing and told me to jump down the light grate in order to help both Gustave and Crimson. Somewhat confused and disoriented from the lapse of time due to my being unconscious, I stood up and quaffed the potion. Meanwhile both Gustave and Crimson jumped from the main deck to the second floor, and then again smashing the light grate there into the hold. Unfortunately Gustave landed upon Crimson causing serious injury to her making both of them wearing to enter battle. There within the hold and amongst all the barrels and supplies was a man preparing to light his torch to set the ship ablaze. Crimson took out her last potion of healing and began to drink its contents while Gustave charged forth striking the man with the torch. This man shrugged off the injury as he whipped out his own rapier striking Gustave in the gut. With the new injury sustained and the increasing lack of blood, Gustave fell unconscious leaving Crimson alone with the suicidal man. Back on deck I jumped through the light grate landing upon the second deck quickly looking for the other two. Obviously they must have gone further below as I saw no signs of them. using the stairs himself my brother joined me with that grin of his and opened the door leading towards the hold. As much as I wanted to smack him across the head, there was no time as we both rushed down just in time to catch the remaining Council member begin torching the boat. Without any word my brother took the initiative and began cast cold based spells towards the fire in prevent it from spreading further, and I rushed the man stabbing him in the chest narly killing him. It felt so wrong and for a brief moment I had even forgot that i was standing just a few feet from a blazing fire until Crimson ran up to me shaking me free of my temporary laspe of thought. Searching the barrels for a water type susbstance I managed to find one which I was able to pour onto the fire putting it out. Meanwhile Crimson managed to bandage Gustave's wounds, and per my request bandaged the insane mans wounds as well. The more alive who could attest to the Council that the Lotus Dragon's made the attack, the better... that and murdering was just not my style.
As I stood there looking around at the ship and at my brother, Crimson and the resting Gustave... I began thinking of the late Captain Shadwik and got to thinking how he musta felt when his men did a fine job at sea... I believe he felt proud of them all.
*Putting down the quill, Garland then began ripping out from his journal the pages he just finished writing. Walking over to a small fire pit and tossing the papers inside, he stood there watching the notes disappear as the flames consumed his written work.*
Heading to Shadowshore was not something I enjoyed doing. Besides all the shady people within the streets and that pompous Emil Dracktus whom I still believe to be the head master of all corruption in Sasserrineā¦ it was a filthy run down area. We entered the Fish Lips bar that both Anzak and Max visited often and we began asking around for either of the two. It was obvious that Anzak had not been seen in some time, though Max continued to visit on a nightly basis so we waited the few hours until he showed up. Walking up to the man I requested a gaming session with him, stakes besides the money upon the table was the answering of a question given. He selected something called Poker which he briefly explained to me. Though I lost more money than I gained, I was able to find out that Max had seen Anzak a few days ago and that they frequently went into the forest to hunt game for the Area in town. Reporting back to the others Crimson then made her way to Max I assumed to flirt with, but to my surprise ended up swindling the poor man of both his money and what he knew. She also arranged a hunting date for the lot of us, in hopes to acquire further game for the area and to perhaps locate Anzak within the forest. After much thought we all turned down the offer of Max and instead paid visit to the Area itself.
Questioning the head man there on the whereabouts of Anzak, he informed us that his bi-weekly visit with game was already past due, making us believe that perhaps Anzak left town for good. After running around like a bunch of headless fish upon land without further clues, the Sea Gods themselves showed us the path in the form of a messenger to Lavinia. The Council had decided it time to formally announce the deaths of the Vanderboren's and papers awaited signage from Lavinia to take possession of their whole estate. As we all march forth towards the Council, my brother Glaive pulled me aside and thought of something that only someone with a twisted mind could. Perhaps everything that had happened in recent days was all Lavinia's doing in order to gain possession of the wealth of her parents. Though absurd as it sounded, Glaive pushed me to travel ahead to inform the council of this possible scenario and to make a minor clause in the official documents stating that if Lavinia were to ever be found guilty of murdering, or having her parents murdered, then the fortune would fall to next of kin. My brother and I of course kept this between ourselves, not giving any word to either Gustave or Crimson in fear of disapproval or perhaps worse.
Once all documents were signed, and a few tears from Lavinia were shed, she informed us about the Seeker's Ring that we gave her a few days back was in fact a key to open the treasures that were rightfully hers, locked away in a vault beneath Castle Teraknian. Though going our separate ways, all our destinations would eventually lead us to the same place. Glaive convinced our mother Seoni to join us as we feared that perhaps someone would attempt to rob Lavinia of her wealth. Though this did not in fact happen, what did occur frustrated me greatly. The Seeker ring upon the charred remains of the Vanderborne and now in the possession of Lavinia was nothing more than a fake. The fake ring could not grant us access to the vaults, and the fool who was in charge would not bend the rules by allowing us access. In fact we were told that formal papers had to be processed to acquire access to the master signet key, and that the time period would be approximately two full weeks. Try as we might to gain access there on the spot, that sea dog wouldn't roll over. Returning to Lavina's manor we began searching for the possibility of another Seeker's Ring, when the butler himself informed us of another said ring located within the Blue Nixie. A hidden compartment within the fine vessel held what we sought.
Making our way towards the dock area, we took notice that the Blue Nixie began to set sail with several unknown individuals on board. Rushing to the dock master, an individual whom Glaive and I bumped into the other day, we demanded to know why that ship was sailing away without the permission of the owner whom happened to be by our side. His response was that the Dawn Council had a warrant to search the vessel for evidence relating to the mysterious deaths of the Vanderbornes. I was taken slightly back by his response and called out to the ship waving my own Council badge asking to board. The ship halted and two individuals rowed back to dock to speak to us and gave the same speech that the dock master had given. To clarify matters I took it upon myself to run back to Shadowshore and speak to Emil directly, who surprisingly was fully aware of the search and made it quite clear that he did not want me to help in any way, shape or form. Returning to the others and informing them all that was said, we pondered the situation. Crimson took the opportunity to make a side trip on her own to speak to Max both about their date that evening and about perhaps helping Lavinia secure her wealth. During the conversation she apparently felt uneasy about a few of his responses making it seem as though he knew more than he was letting on. Returning she informed us all as we stood there staring at the ship that set anchor not too far away. Feeling uneasy about the whole investigation upon the Blue Nixie, and Emil's sudden distrust in my abilities we all agreed to sneak aboard the ship and make our way into the holding area to obtain Verik's hidden Seeker's Ring. We all knew the danger in such an attempt and Lavinia thought it wise to remain behind. The foolish girl believed us to all take the blame for such a crime if we were all discovered and caught, though any questions directed at me would result in the brutal honest answer of Lavinia asking us to board the ship for her. Not only was I risking my life for this noble, but my own reputation and new job within the Dawn Council itself. Though recent events makes me question its honest work with Dracktus as head leader, I still can't help but hope for something grand to come from working within the political structure.
Knowing that our target laid roughly 200 yards from dock, we knew that taking a dip within the cold waters was our only means. At the time I believed we had several advantages over our foes. Knowing ships quite well I believed that dousing one of the three light lanterns would allow us a tactical advantage against the investigating Dawn Council members on board. My brother Glaive has been studying magic for some time now and though I've never seen any promise from him in that department, I knew that if his life was in peril whatever powers he learnt would be fully used. Gustave apparently isn't as pathetic as he lets on, as he is more skilled in a rapier than I am with my own whaling spear. With all these contributions I had no doubt that the pencil pushing investigating Council members would easily be subdued. The only matter at hand left to resolve was boarding the ship unseen in order to gain the surprise attack. Looking over the body of that pole dancer Crimson once more, I believed that her talents could be used even in this situation. With our plan set, we made our way towards the Blue Nixie.
As the men waited near the ropes by the starboard, Crimson began a topless backstroke by the larboard in hopes to grab the attention of the men on watch. Sure enough the pole dancer's skills lured the three men that we on watch allowing for the rest of us to make our surprise attack. Glaive was able to reach the center mast, blowing out the light allowing the concealment of darkness to aid in our approach. Gustave positioned himself in the darkness by the stairs to the bow of the ship so that he could rush one of the distracted men. I took it upon myself to head into the middle of danger using the darkness as cover and my reach weapon to keep some distance between me and my attacker, however as I lunged with my Bisento my assailant leaned forwards more to get a closer look at Crimson resulting in my utter miss. Fully aware of our presence and Crimson' distraction, my assailant turned towards me taking a sweep at the darkness, while his two friends took aim for anything that caught there eyes. Gustave took this moment to rush towards the man closest to him dodging the shot fired and plunged his rapier through his throat. I was utterly shocked to see this young teacher of the erotic arts so skillful in the blade and killing the man before him. Caught off guard by his attack I again missed striking my own and took a few steps back to reorganize my thoughts. My cowardly brother remained close by the center mast which continued to shroud him in darkness. Moving however might not have been the smartest thing I did, as the moonlight might have caught a piece of metallic from my chainshirt allowing the remaining crossbow to strike me in the side. Though the pain was tolerable we needed to take control of the situation fast as a call for aid was yelled for those down below to hear.
Gustave remained by the bow to surprise any newcomers that would emerge from the hold below, while Glaive pulled out a sack of Caltrops and began spreading them on deck in hopes to slow down the arriving help of the council men. Once more I lunged forwards striking the man in front of me with as little force as possible dropping him with the certainty that he was still alive but simply unconscious. Crimson used our distraction to allow her to safely climb to the stern of the ship where she caught the remaining man off guard as she began punching him in the ribs. She then yelled out something along the lines of their inability to do a good job and how the Lotus Dragons were on board to clean things up. The response given almost didn't surprise me as the Dragons and the Council had an apparent arrangement which was now broken, due to 'our' interference. There apparently is much more than meets the eyes with that dancer as her sharp mind matches her looks. As things looked more towards our favor, two other investigators emerged each skillfully wielding rapiers. I found it odd that these pencil pushers held their weapons with such skill and confidence, but that didn't stop Gustave from running down the stairs midway thrusting his rapier through the armor of one said investigator. Injured but still alive both men turned to attack Gustave thrusting their own blades into his shoulder causing blood to drip down his arm. Luckily for us that was not Gustave's weapon arm, or the entire battle might have ended differently. Keeping my head low and in the darkness as much as possible, I attacked the uninjured man from behind successfully knocking him out. Worried about revealing himself in the darkness with his spells, Glaive thought it over a few seconds before turning towards the man Crimson was fighting and took aim with his finger. It was the first time I ever saw such a powerful offencive spell cast by my brother, as his orb struck his target nearly knocking him out. Though I'm somewhat jealous that he is able to do something that i cannot... at least he finally has the means to protect himself and can for once stand up to those who push him around. Crimson stood still almost giving her attacker the chance to surrender, but as he raised his crossbow to fire point blank at her, she jabbed her elbow into his gut knocking him unconscious making him no longer a threat.
Gustave must have had some sort of grunge on the man who struck him, because just as before his fury was that of something I've never seen before. Striking his target in the heart killing him instantly, makes me wonder whether or not Gustave was thinking properly. If we failed in our mission and were questioned, the fool would be hung for murder where as the rest of us would be prisoned for trespassing. Before this eve was done Gustave killed two other individuals whilst the rest of us took care and knocked out our third assailant. Relieved that we were all alive and were doing quite well, we were caught off guard as the light grate on deck was suddenly ripped off from below by a pair of tentacles. As we all took several steps back and prepared to defend ourselves, some sort of monstrous creature lifted itself onto the main deck and stepped towards me. Taking a jab and injuring it, it quickly retaliated by grabbing my waist bringing my closer and biting down upon my chest. After that I don't know what had happened except for what my brother told me. Crimson picked up one of the crossbows and fired from a distance injuring the creature which Glaive later researched and found out to be a Rhagodessa. Gustave pierced the massive beast with his rapier, and my brother launched another orb of ice terminating its life. As my own life was waning from existence they began conversing with someone in the cargo hold from on deck who was ready to terminate his own life by burning down the ship as to not allow the 'Lotus Dragons' to get one up on the Council. Disturbed by his threat both Crimson and Gustave jumped down the light grate in hopes to quickly dispose of the last remaining Council member, but not before handing Glaive two potion of curing to bring me back to consciousness.
As my eyes fluttered open for a brief moment I thought I had died and gone to hell as the first thing I saw was my brother grinning down at me. He saved my life obviously to up show me in being the better man or to perhaps expect a debt to be returned. Before I could even say a word he thrusted into my arms another potion of healing and told me to jump down the light grate in order to help both Gustave and Crimson. Somewhat confused and disoriented from the lapse of time due to my being unconscious, I stood up and quaffed the potion. Meanwhile both Gustave and Crimson jumped from the main deck to the second floor, and then again smashing the light grate there into the hold. Unfortunately Gustave landed upon Crimson causing serious injury to her making both of them wearing to enter battle. There within the hold and amongst all the barrels and supplies was a man preparing to light his torch to set the ship ablaze. Crimson took out her last potion of healing and began to drink its contents while Gustave charged forth striking the man with the torch. This man shrugged off the injury as he whipped out his own rapier striking Gustave in the gut. With the new injury sustained and the increasing lack of blood, Gustave fell unconscious leaving Crimson alone with the suicidal man. Back on deck I jumped through the light grate landing upon the second deck quickly looking for the other two. Obviously they must have gone further below as I saw no signs of them. using the stairs himself my brother joined me with that grin of his and opened the door leading towards the hold. As much as I wanted to smack him across the head, there was no time as we both rushed down just in time to catch the remaining Council member begin torching the boat. Without any word my brother took the initiative and began cast cold based spells towards the fire in prevent it from spreading further, and I rushed the man stabbing him in the chest narly killing him. It felt so wrong and for a brief moment I had even forgot that i was standing just a few feet from a blazing fire until Crimson ran up to me shaking me free of my temporary laspe of thought. Searching the barrels for a water type susbstance I managed to find one which I was able to pour onto the fire putting it out. Meanwhile Crimson managed to bandage Gustave's wounds, and per my request bandaged the insane mans wounds as well. The more alive who could attest to the Council that the Lotus Dragon's made the attack, the better... that and murdering was just not my style.
As I stood there looking around at the ship and at my brother, Crimson and the resting Gustave... I began thinking of the late Captain Shadwik and got to thinking how he musta felt when his men did a fine job at sea... I believe he felt proud of them all.
*Putting down the quill, Garland then began ripping out from his journal the pages he just finished writing. Walking over to a small fire pit and tossing the papers inside, he stood there watching the notes disappear as the flames consumed his written work.*
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