Summary 12: Disaster and Revelation
*Walking down Blain road as directed by the commoner Garland spoke to earlier, his eye caught the rickety sign hanging above the half open door. It read "Dragons Rum" which was the name of the local tavern within the port town that Captain Gansworth was currently docked at. Stepping inside and purchasing a beverage Garland spoke loudly to grab the attention of all within to tell a tale from his past.*
"Nev'r before in my life hath I seen such a pitiful sailor before, and t'is shameful that I dare say t'was me own brother. Though he does try to keep up with me own vessel... his lack of skill to this day hath brought us to dock earlier than expected as we pay workers to repair the hull of the Sea Wyvern from the damage sustained. An intelligent and cunny warmage he may be, but a Captain he is not. I should have realized this the first day we took the Blue Nixie out of Sasserine's Port several months ago. Those few days t'would be the turning point in our lives.
We had fortunately kept two Lotus Dragons alive in our most recent battle against them, and tied them up before waking them. We spoke with one whom called himself Lefty and his tongue loosened after I judged and killed his helpless friend besides him. We found his information quite useful and t'was from that day onwards that he was apart of me crew. Our destination t'would be Kraken's Cove where Rowyn was heading to meet up with both Vanthus and Dracktus, leader of the Lotus Dragons. As a par-ty we all agreed to set sail the following morning in order to reach the Cove before Rowyn had the opportunity to inform her allies that we still were breathing air, and that we be seeking revenge upon all.
As my crew worked the rigging's and Glaive took the helm I pointed out to the open sea and instructed Glaive to press onwards towards the Cove. I must admit that it felt good being out to sea again with my brother, just like in our youth when we played pirate on board our father's ship. It was a memory which had clouded my judgement as I ignored the signs of disaster. After three days of navigating and instructing Glaive to steer in my desired direction, he accidentally had thrown us off course making us lost at sea. I placed too much trust in my brother and did nay pay attention to the actual course he had taken us in. Our lead over Rowyn was nay looking good, more so when the Exotic Dancer Crimson confessed that she had a "meeting" In Sasserine in four days time that she HAD to attend. No less a meeting with some rich noble who required special services whilst his wife was a way. Frustrated and angered I took the helm while Glaive commanded the crew and gave me what hopefully were the right directions back to port. Lucky for us I knew how to sail a ship and brought us back safely to Sasserine, and though our lead was clearly lost we took the few days Crimson had given us to purchase and mount armaments to the ship in the event that Rowyn alerted Dracktus of our coming. As the work upon the Blue Nixie was completed, Crimson's meeting too was over and we were all ready once more to depart. I was reluctant in giving Glaive helmsman ship once more, but Gustave backed up my brother and asked to give him another chance to redeem himself to the sea Gods. I eventually caved but with my support he managed to sail us several kilometers off of shore to the cove.
Eventually to our misfortune, we entered an area of water with an incredible amount of coral reef, and as such I deemed it dangerous to the hull of the ship and would not continue further. Crimson suggested lowering our raft and continue to shore. Hauling it down into the water, we began our slow journey towards land. As we approached about an hours away from the Blue Nixie, a sudden explosion could be heard from the general vicinity of the ship yard, followed by a large green blanket of fog which materialized nearly seconds after. Drifting closer and closer to the mysterious green fog, my brother seemed agitated as we discussed how to proceed. I insisted that the green fog t'was still fog and we nay had the reason to ignore the ship yard and seek out our enemies. Gustave was indifferent in the matter as the Silent Assassin was unsure whether or not the green properties of the fog could pose any threats to ourselves while Crimson remained in a meditative stance for most of the ride so we did nay wish to disturb her. Glaive however showed his true colors that afternoon as his sharp tongue and raised voice was heard quite well as he begged us to turn away from the "scary" fog. I gest not but the coward even attempted in taking the oars from me hands to turn the raft around. His frail body in comparison to mine own however resulted in our continued drifting towards the fog. As we reached its outskirts a flock of birds suddenly exited from what we believed to be the nearby forest and soared high over our heads making their way out to sea. T'was sad to have spotted many of the birds injured by apparent scorch marks presumably from the unknown explosion, however one bird had remained and the daft thing made a suicidal dive at our raft. Its relentless attacks forced our hands to kill it, though somehow the bird was altered in some manner. Presumably from the explosion it was subjected to, it was quite warped and maddened with whatever plague it contracted. Its power was magnified and its ability to survive was great, even in death did it produce an explosion of acid nearly destroying our raft. The "mutoid" bird was merely the beginning to a long and adventurous journey. Continuing our way forwards we ventured into the fog, even under my brothers opposition. Soon my brothers nerves calmed as the only side effect produced from the green fog seemed to be a tingling of the flesh.
Rowing further inside the green fog we happened to pass close by the ship yard where to our surprise a large scale battle was taking place. On board many of the ships were men and mutoids fighting each other whilst the ships they were upon were set ablaze. One ship in particular caught our eye as it nay had an people on board, however it bore the crest of me family and it too had caught on fire. Lucky for us me brother had studied int he arts of magic and in using his powers summoned forth several orbs of ice to douse the flames. Continuing on we avoided the blood bath aboard the ships and made our way towards the beach area where we heard far less noise. Upon nearing the sandy beach our eyes adjusted to spot a damsel in distress fending off several mutoids on her own before fleeing towards what appeared to be a cave nearby. Deciding it best to aid the lady and perhaps attain crucial information to the whereabouts of Anzak and Vanthus, we quickened our rowing and readied our blades.
As we took leave of the raft and headed towards the sandy beach and the cave, Gustave took notice of an injured mutoid crawling to us moaning and groaning calling Gustave's name. To Gustave's surprise the mutoid was Rowyn though you could hardly recognize the tormented woman. She cried out in pain as her love Vanthus had left her and ran for the cave whilst her transformation took place and the ensuing battle commenced. Begging us to end her life I was more than willing to show her mercy, however the noble Assassin took out his blade and knelt down besides her. With not one... but three swifts hits the Assassin had put an end to the life of Rowyn allowing us to continue towards the cave. Gustaved showed that not not t'was he a killer... but he was a merciful killer.
Entering the dark cavern we had been lucky that me newly purchased weapon was bestowed with the ability to shed light into our surroundings. We took notice that there be two ways to travel, one being the twisted tunnels and the other being an underground water tunnel. We opted for the direct and simplest way and chose the twisted tunnels only to bump into a mutoid raptor. Knowing that mutoids seemed to be fairly empowered and that raptors themselves tend to be deadly in combat, we all decided to take a swim through the underground passageways. T'was fortunate that we decided to swim ye see for we entered a cavern that held within Anzak, one of the men that we were asked to locate. Unfortunately for Gustave whom wanted blood, Anzak did nay seem able to put up much fight as his body tired and was undergoing the mutoid transformation. To this day I nay understand why the Assassin didn't do him in then and there, but he insisted in bringing the sicked man outside for food and te transport him back to Sasserine. I had doubts about that barbarian and was more interested in the woman who entered the cave and the whereabouts of Vanthus. I informed the others that I would continue to brave the dangers of the tunnels in search for both individuals and not rest till I did.
Though I hath been surprised at Glaive on numerous times for showing signs of bravery, that day t'was not one of them. Rather than exploring the tunnels further by my side in search for the mysterious lady who seemed to require help, that swine instead followed Gustave around all the while keeping the Assassin between himself and the sickened Anzak whilst provoking the barbarian with words of betrayal from both his wife and Gustave. Perhaps a foolish act or the cowards way te take out the survivor with his magic should the two men have fought, Glaive would only learn later in life that upsetting someone that can break ye in two is not the smartest thing te do.
While the others played outside I happened to notice Crimson pursuing me in the water tunnels of the cave as I emerged into another cavern. As luck would have it t'was the very cavern where the mysterious woman had fled too and where two mutoids had caught up and battled her furiously. Both Crimson and myself aided her in fending off the brutes, before finding out her Captaincy of some Krakens Pirate group. Though I have little to say on pirates, this particular pirate had for the most part very similar goals... namely the deaths of Vanthus and Dracktus. But that te be another story mates.
If there ever be a time where a man walks up to ye and asks for ye to join his crew, make certain t'is not Glaive Gansworth lest ye be lost at sea with a yella belly forever."
*With Garlands final words he raised his mug high and gulped his liquor, with the rest of the folks in the tavern following suit.*
"Nev'r before in my life hath I seen such a pitiful sailor before, and t'is shameful that I dare say t'was me own brother. Though he does try to keep up with me own vessel... his lack of skill to this day hath brought us to dock earlier than expected as we pay workers to repair the hull of the Sea Wyvern from the damage sustained. An intelligent and cunny warmage he may be, but a Captain he is not. I should have realized this the first day we took the Blue Nixie out of Sasserine's Port several months ago. Those few days t'would be the turning point in our lives.
We had fortunately kept two Lotus Dragons alive in our most recent battle against them, and tied them up before waking them. We spoke with one whom called himself Lefty and his tongue loosened after I judged and killed his helpless friend besides him. We found his information quite useful and t'was from that day onwards that he was apart of me crew. Our destination t'would be Kraken's Cove where Rowyn was heading to meet up with both Vanthus and Dracktus, leader of the Lotus Dragons. As a par-ty we all agreed to set sail the following morning in order to reach the Cove before Rowyn had the opportunity to inform her allies that we still were breathing air, and that we be seeking revenge upon all.
As my crew worked the rigging's and Glaive took the helm I pointed out to the open sea and instructed Glaive to press onwards towards the Cove. I must admit that it felt good being out to sea again with my brother, just like in our youth when we played pirate on board our father's ship. It was a memory which had clouded my judgement as I ignored the signs of disaster. After three days of navigating and instructing Glaive to steer in my desired direction, he accidentally had thrown us off course making us lost at sea. I placed too much trust in my brother and did nay pay attention to the actual course he had taken us in. Our lead over Rowyn was nay looking good, more so when the Exotic Dancer Crimson confessed that she had a "meeting" In Sasserine in four days time that she HAD to attend. No less a meeting with some rich noble who required special services whilst his wife was a way. Frustrated and angered I took the helm while Glaive commanded the crew and gave me what hopefully were the right directions back to port. Lucky for us I knew how to sail a ship and brought us back safely to Sasserine, and though our lead was clearly lost we took the few days Crimson had given us to purchase and mount armaments to the ship in the event that Rowyn alerted Dracktus of our coming. As the work upon the Blue Nixie was completed, Crimson's meeting too was over and we were all ready once more to depart. I was reluctant in giving Glaive helmsman ship once more, but Gustave backed up my brother and asked to give him another chance to redeem himself to the sea Gods. I eventually caved but with my support he managed to sail us several kilometers off of shore to the cove.
Eventually to our misfortune, we entered an area of water with an incredible amount of coral reef, and as such I deemed it dangerous to the hull of the ship and would not continue further. Crimson suggested lowering our raft and continue to shore. Hauling it down into the water, we began our slow journey towards land. As we approached about an hours away from the Blue Nixie, a sudden explosion could be heard from the general vicinity of the ship yard, followed by a large green blanket of fog which materialized nearly seconds after. Drifting closer and closer to the mysterious green fog, my brother seemed agitated as we discussed how to proceed. I insisted that the green fog t'was still fog and we nay had the reason to ignore the ship yard and seek out our enemies. Gustave was indifferent in the matter as the Silent Assassin was unsure whether or not the green properties of the fog could pose any threats to ourselves while Crimson remained in a meditative stance for most of the ride so we did nay wish to disturb her. Glaive however showed his true colors that afternoon as his sharp tongue and raised voice was heard quite well as he begged us to turn away from the "scary" fog. I gest not but the coward even attempted in taking the oars from me hands to turn the raft around. His frail body in comparison to mine own however resulted in our continued drifting towards the fog. As we reached its outskirts a flock of birds suddenly exited from what we believed to be the nearby forest and soared high over our heads making their way out to sea. T'was sad to have spotted many of the birds injured by apparent scorch marks presumably from the unknown explosion, however one bird had remained and the daft thing made a suicidal dive at our raft. Its relentless attacks forced our hands to kill it, though somehow the bird was altered in some manner. Presumably from the explosion it was subjected to, it was quite warped and maddened with whatever plague it contracted. Its power was magnified and its ability to survive was great, even in death did it produce an explosion of acid nearly destroying our raft. The "mutoid" bird was merely the beginning to a long and adventurous journey. Continuing our way forwards we ventured into the fog, even under my brothers opposition. Soon my brothers nerves calmed as the only side effect produced from the green fog seemed to be a tingling of the flesh.
Rowing further inside the green fog we happened to pass close by the ship yard where to our surprise a large scale battle was taking place. On board many of the ships were men and mutoids fighting each other whilst the ships they were upon were set ablaze. One ship in particular caught our eye as it nay had an people on board, however it bore the crest of me family and it too had caught on fire. Lucky for us me brother had studied int he arts of magic and in using his powers summoned forth several orbs of ice to douse the flames. Continuing on we avoided the blood bath aboard the ships and made our way towards the beach area where we heard far less noise. Upon nearing the sandy beach our eyes adjusted to spot a damsel in distress fending off several mutoids on her own before fleeing towards what appeared to be a cave nearby. Deciding it best to aid the lady and perhaps attain crucial information to the whereabouts of Anzak and Vanthus, we quickened our rowing and readied our blades.
As we took leave of the raft and headed towards the sandy beach and the cave, Gustave took notice of an injured mutoid crawling to us moaning and groaning calling Gustave's name. To Gustave's surprise the mutoid was Rowyn though you could hardly recognize the tormented woman. She cried out in pain as her love Vanthus had left her and ran for the cave whilst her transformation took place and the ensuing battle commenced. Begging us to end her life I was more than willing to show her mercy, however the noble Assassin took out his blade and knelt down besides her. With not one... but three swifts hits the Assassin had put an end to the life of Rowyn allowing us to continue towards the cave. Gustaved showed that not not t'was he a killer... but he was a merciful killer.
Entering the dark cavern we had been lucky that me newly purchased weapon was bestowed with the ability to shed light into our surroundings. We took notice that there be two ways to travel, one being the twisted tunnels and the other being an underground water tunnel. We opted for the direct and simplest way and chose the twisted tunnels only to bump into a mutoid raptor. Knowing that mutoids seemed to be fairly empowered and that raptors themselves tend to be deadly in combat, we all decided to take a swim through the underground passageways. T'was fortunate that we decided to swim ye see for we entered a cavern that held within Anzak, one of the men that we were asked to locate. Unfortunately for Gustave whom wanted blood, Anzak did nay seem able to put up much fight as his body tired and was undergoing the mutoid transformation. To this day I nay understand why the Assassin didn't do him in then and there, but he insisted in bringing the sicked man outside for food and te transport him back to Sasserine. I had doubts about that barbarian and was more interested in the woman who entered the cave and the whereabouts of Vanthus. I informed the others that I would continue to brave the dangers of the tunnels in search for both individuals and not rest till I did.
Though I hath been surprised at Glaive on numerous times for showing signs of bravery, that day t'was not one of them. Rather than exploring the tunnels further by my side in search for the mysterious lady who seemed to require help, that swine instead followed Gustave around all the while keeping the Assassin between himself and the sickened Anzak whilst provoking the barbarian with words of betrayal from both his wife and Gustave. Perhaps a foolish act or the cowards way te take out the survivor with his magic should the two men have fought, Glaive would only learn later in life that upsetting someone that can break ye in two is not the smartest thing te do.
While the others played outside I happened to notice Crimson pursuing me in the water tunnels of the cave as I emerged into another cavern. As luck would have it t'was the very cavern where the mysterious woman had fled too and where two mutoids had caught up and battled her furiously. Both Crimson and myself aided her in fending off the brutes, before finding out her Captaincy of some Krakens Pirate group. Though I have little to say on pirates, this particular pirate had for the most part very similar goals... namely the deaths of Vanthus and Dracktus. But that te be another story mates.
If there ever be a time where a man walks up to ye and asks for ye to join his crew, make certain t'is not Glaive Gansworth lest ye be lost at sea with a yella belly forever."
*With Garlands final words he raised his mug high and gulped his liquor, with the rest of the folks in the tavern following suit.*
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