The ambush was set. For hours, the three heroes had camped out near the mountainside perch they expected the mooncalf to return to, sometime this evening. Bakura was still feeling weakened by the recently-injected spider venom, but knew that he had no time to let his body heal and fight off the toxins within it - for he had only one week left to complete his Trials. Meleeki and Immortal would have to do what the could to help him, yet again, much as they had truly saved his hide in the first two Trials. Truly, he would have been incabable of surviving thus far without their aid.
And so they waited, as predators at dusk, ready for anything. At last, as the sun's last rays began to fade on the horizon, and the moon became the brightest beacon in the night sky, they felt a change. The wind suddenly became more brisk, and dark clouds began to form in the sky, as if out of nowhere. As these clouds began to slowly rumble, an alien silhouette became visible against the cloudy night sky: the mooncalf had arrived.
After a few moments of tentative attempts to lower itself, the creature appeared to center its focus on Meleeki. Using its innate magical powers, the mooncalf began to call forth from the stormclouds bolts of mighty lightning, which it cast down upon Meleeki one after another. She proved too quick, however, using all of her skill to dodge and roll out of the way of the incoming bolts. Soon, she retaliated with arrow shots of her own - these, however, struck true, bit by bit weakening the nightsky predator.
Then, while Bakura and Immortal still lay waiting, for they had no weapon with the range of Meleeki's - and dared not alarm the rare creature, in any case - the mooncalf altered its tactic, instead focusing its attention on Meleeki's animal companion, Vaask. Instantly, unable to fend off the creature's mental attack, Vaask became dominated, and began to follow commands to attack Meleeki. Soon after, a Greater Magic Fang spell made his strikes more lethal, as well. Meleeki tried to continue her attack upon the mooncalf, but her wolf was proving a significant distraction...
That's when Bakura decided to act. Rushing forward from his hiding place, the dragon shaman-in-training rushed toward Vaask, hoping to distract the creature and perhaps subdue it, before it did any more damage. What Bakura did not expect, however, was the suddenness with which the mooncalf moved at him, diving from the sky with tentacles outstretched, seeking to grasp the young man and enravel him. In a dazzling burst of speed, the creature whipped Bakura and soon had him dangling in mid-air, ready to tug up into the sky. Meleeki could do nothing but shoot further arrows at the creature, but these did not weaken its grasp. Immortal, meanwhile, began a slow approach, but still made little motion to truly enter the fight. Indeed, his behaviour now seemed quite odd...
Then, despite his struggles, Bakura was ripped from the earth and into the skies, pulled up by the rising mooncalf. And with a quick flick of its tentacles, the dragon shaman was sent plummeting to the rocky ground below. With a cringe-inducing crack upon the earth, Bakura was left broken and battered. The mooncalf began another dive at him, and Bakura tried to run away... only to be struck down by a mighty lightning bolt. He collapsed into a sizzling heap on the ground.
That is when Immortal finally made his move - though not the one you would suspect. Rather, he raised a javelin lent to him by Meleeki, and tossed it at the unconscious Bakura. Striking him and drawing blood, Immortal turned toward the mooncalf, seeking comprehension... and the creature seemed to understand, believing him to be an ally - unexpected help, but welcome nonetheless.
Ready to finish things off, the mooncalf turned to face Meleeki and made a dive at her (she who was still consistently weakening it further with her arrows). Soon wrapped in its tentacles, she struggled to free herself from its grasp... when Immortal, who had approached behind the mooncalf, struck it a mighty blow. Left reeling, the creature retreated to the sky, to reorient itself... while commanding Vaask to attack Immortal now. The warrior prepared to finish off the beast to defend himself, but Meleeki acted first, shooting a mercy shot at her poor pet... he deserved better than all this, but at least she would spare him Immortal's wrath. Meanwhile, Immortal used his Winged Boots to rise up into the skies, taking the fight to the mooncalf. Soon, as it had already been greatly wounded by Meleeki's volleys of arrows, the great creature fell. The necessary Wing of the Mooncalf was claimed from its remains, and Bakura was awakened - having once again been pushed to the limit by the Trials of the Dragon God, requiring his allies' assistance to survive.
This proved the centerpoint of the debate that ensued - as Immortal explained his actions as a test for Bakura, forcing him to step forward on his own and push himself, without relying so heavily on his guardians for help. One had to show strategy, such as the ruse of gaining the creature's trust before turning on it, in order to survive. All things considered, Immortal was having his doubts that this young boy was ready for the next trial, which was to be completed alone... And more importantly, doubts that this boy was ready for the responsibilities that would come with success - and becoming one of the respected leaders of the tribe of Thanaclan.
These doubts expressed, and the pressure on him greater than ever, Bakura and his two companions began their return journey to the throne of Huhueteotl, where the fourth trial awaited.
There, with the Dragon God appearing before them once more, the three offerings were given to him - the tail hand of the ahuizotl, the spider silk of the aranea, and the wing of the mooncalf. Taking these three items and fashioning them together through magic, the Dragon God produced for Bakura a lustrous cloak. However, one final ingredient was required to transform this cloak into what was sought - the Phoenix Cloak that marked the ascension of a new Dragon Shaman who had proven his manhood. The Phoenix Feathers needed were already in Huhueteotl's possession, the remnants of the great phoenix he had once battled for the title of Fire God of the island. Such feathers would only be granted to Bakura if he could complete the fourth trial - the test of fire.
And so, the heroes were led to an immense nearby pit. There, the Dragon God spit out a massive burst of fire, which encompassed and lingered within the pit, filling it to the brim. Then, from within the flames came forth dozens and dozens of Flame Snakes, creatures of fire. And among them, at the center of the pit, was one larger than all the others - a Greater Flame Snake that neared 30 feet in height, when rising up to his heighest point.
The rules were simple: Bakura need not kill the beast, for fire was not his enemy, as were earth, air and water. No, he simply needed to prove his supremacy over it, by surviving for one entire minute within the flames, without being burnt or killed by the creatures within. The use of borrowed equipment was permitted, to the extent that Bakura's two guardians were willing to share with him. Luckily for him, his allies were generous, granting him use of any items he thought of use. Most significant of these were Immortal's Falchion, to be used as a last resort, and Meleeki's Vanisher Cloak, which could allow minor bursts of invisibility. With only one minute of survival necessary, that was Bakura's plan: to attempt to remain unseen and out of harm's way for the duration of the fight.
And so began Bakura's minute of infernal anguish... still weakened by the spider venom, pressured by the harsh criticisms of his allies, and now tasked with surviving a fight against a creature more mighty and powerful than anything he had ever seen in his entire life. With the invisibility upon him, Bakura used his mobility to try and keep ahead of the creature, though with its incredible senses, that was not enough to fully evade his attacks. So Bakura had to rely on another skill has was quite adept at: bluffing. When the Flame Snake first blasted him with a maximized fireball, Bakura screamed to the heavens as if in horrible pain, despite his actual immunity to fire. If he could convince the creature to stick to flame attacks, and not resort to its far more dangerous (in this case, anyway) bite, then he might actually stand a chance at making it to the one minute mark. And for a little while, it seemed as though this plan might work, as the creature followed up with another harmless fireball. Then, however, it made use of its breath weapon to release a blash of infernal fire - which in addition to scorching heat, was also comprised of dark negative energy, which Bakura was not immune to. Later, as the creature followed up with a Flame Strike, half of which was positive energy, the screams were no longer bluffed, but real - as Bakura was beginning to feel great pain. Yet time was on his side, as the time was nearly elapsed. That is when the fight got really scary, as the creature gave up on the flaming attacks, and began to lash out with physical strikes - from its bite, body and spiked tail. They blows missed the invisible Bakura by mere inches, as the snake clearly could sense him, but merely lacked the visual aid to confirm his strikes. All it would take was a moment of inattention from Bakura, and he wouldn't be able to evade one of them... and a single one connecting strike would likely be enough to finish him off. At last, after second after second of anguish, as time seemed to move all too slowly... Bakura was announced the victor, having survived his minute of trial by fire.
At this, he was congratulated by the Dragon God, and his two guardians. As promised, Huhueteotl combined the Phoenix Feathers with the cloak, creating for Bakura his symbol of success, the Phoenix Cloak. Also, having been so impressed by the assistance provided by Meleeki and Immortal, each of them was given a reward as well - a Phoenix Ring and Phoenix Crown, respectively.
Yet one last trial remained if Bakura was to return to Thanaclan a hero, ready to lead his tribe into the next Fire Festival. He must face the ghosts of his past... as his own success had marked the doom of the past seven failed dragon shamans, all of whom had become outcasts from the tribe. These seven outcasts all died the moment Bakura emerged from the fire pit, and were all about to converge upon the area any second now, transformed into haunting ghosts, ready to exact one last bit of revenge upon their destroyed, before passing on into the nether...
And so, the threesome made their stand, fending off one attack after another, making use of their new powers channelled through the Phoenix Relics, to aid them in conquering their foes. Soon, all the ghosts were banished, and at the center of the battleground stood the boy who had now become a man - the new Dragon Shaman of Thanaclan, Bakura Ilk.
As the time of the festival was fast approaching, the Dragon God offered his congratulations, and one final gift - a Flame Walk which would allow them to travel to any fire on the island, granting them a quick return to the city.
Bidding the Dragon God thanks, the three entered the fire - emerging moments later from the large campfire at the center of the city of Thanaclan. A crowd quickly massed around them, cheering and congratulating Bakura on his success. All the while, in the distance, the former head Dragon Shaman of the city sneered at this young upstart who had come to steal his spotlight. As with the prior seven failures, this child was to have been doomed from the start - was not Immortal to have been the ultimate guarantee of that? The shaman shook his head... there was nothing to be done now - it was too late. As if reading his thoughts, Bakura turned to him and shot an arrogant grin.
Soon, the clan patriarch Karta was brought to the fore, and officially announced Bakura as the new head Dragon Shaman, who would lead the tribe forward into the coming Fire Festival, now two days away. A roar of approval burst from the crowd, pleased to have a new shaman in charge this year. The festival should be one for the ages.
Announcing his acceptance, Bakura outlined his vision for the Fire Festival - one to be greater than any before, as commanded to him by the Dragon God himself. Not only were pearls to be sacrificed as a sign of fire's dominance over water - but also creatures of earth (thunder lizards and jungle animals) and creatures of air (pteranodons and phanatons) were to be hunted down and sacrificed as well... a massive flaming gift to the Dragon God. Yet, there was one more sacrifice he demanded, as payment for the many years without new blood coming from the town's shamans - the Dragon God, Bakura claimed, also desired the sacrifice of the former shaman. He immediately began to protest at this outrageous claim, yet thinking over the choices in his mind, he realized there was little he could do, if the Dragon God had truly asked for this. To flee might brand him an outcast, but at least he might live... So thus, he sprang up into the air, taking flight and rushing into the sky - yet his escape was not to be, as Immortal's Winged Boots were enough to give him a speed advantage over the now-disgraced shaman. With the crowd roaring its excitement, Immortal caught up to the shaman and knocked him into submission, high in the air above Thanaclan. With him captured, the people dispersed to gather all the sacrifices required to make this year's festival a success.
And so marked the beginning of two of the bloodiest days of hunting in all of Thanaclan's history. Jungle animals by the dozens were tracked and hunted down, many fierce thunder lizards were captured, including a massive tyrannosaur slain by Immortal himself. Meleeki shared her knowledge of the jungle with all hunters who asked for her help and wisdom, though in the back of her mind, she feared the damage this festival might cause in months to come... It was not wise to favor one of the Gods such, to the point of offending all the others. Meanwhile, however, bands of warriors following Bakura's instructions assaulted the nearby phanaton villages and slew the defenseless creatures by the dozens. Soon, three massive piles had been amassed in town, one each for creatures of water, earth and air. And at the center of these three, stood another pile, with all the pearls gathered by the fishermen of the village, many of which were quite large and impressive - one in particular being perhaps the best in quality the town had ever seen. And on this central pile, tied to a pillar, was the defenseless and disgraced former shaman, with a terror now growing in his eyes, at what fate might await him.
Also amid these days of preparation, an announcement was made that Immortal would not only be Bakura's assistant and advisor for the Festival ceremonies, but that the group of young warriors he had been training in his personal fighting methods would be departing from Thanaclan, to train further in the jungles to the north, spreading word of the art of fearless combat and becoming one with death in battle. This group eventually would make landfall, and the tribe of Immortals they spawned lives on to this day, centuries later, in the Amedio Jungle surrounding Sasserine and Cauldron.
At last came the day of the festival. First the people gathered and danced around the piles of sacrificial offerings, all while brandishing torches in honor of the Dragon God, Master of Fire. A feast was also held in his honor. Then, after hours of buildup and celebration, came the moment all had waited for - the start of the great burning.
Bakura advanced to the fore of the gathered crowd, and spoke his prayers to the Dragon God, hoping that this offering would prove worthy of him, granting the town mercy from the heatwave, bringing about another year of prosperity. Then, looking the tied-up shaman in the eyes, he spoke his death sentence. Yet, though no one knew, the Dragon God hadn't actually called for the man's death - the whole thing was simply a bluff to get revenge upon the man Bakura suspected of never liking him. As the Dragon God spoke to Bakura in Draconic, his two allies therefore could not dispute the truth of any claims he made. And being a born liar, Bakura was making the most of his natural gifts of deceit.
The time for speeches over, the crowd hushed in anticipation as Bakura inhaled the air around him, before releasing onto the pile of pearls beneath the sacrificial shaman a massive burst of fire. At once, as it had in years before, the pile of pearls became engulfed in flame. Soon, everyone began chanting the Dragon God's name, tossing their own torches into the piles around them, sending up towers of smoke into the air.
That is when things began to go horribly wrong...
Bakura was the first to notice. Amid the pile of pearls, one in particular did not burn like the others. Rather, it began to change color to a shadowy green, with cracks beginning to appear on its surface. All over the pearl, sparks of green electrical current began to run, while acrid fumes and gas began to emerge from the cracks. Soon, Meleeki and Immortal saw this too, and all knew that something very very bad was about to happen.
Yelling out warnings to all around, Bakura and the others tried to urge the crowd to evacuate as fast as possible, yet in their chanting and dancing, few heard the call. Clan patriarch Karta noticed the danger as well, and yelled out in a booming voice for all to flee for their lives.
As the green fumes began to thicken, and the cracks on the pearl threatened to blow apart, Bakura, Meleeki and Immortal knew they could not safely remain there a moment longer. Meleeki and Vaask took off in a run, with a number of tribespeople rushing behind them, running at full tilt off toward the jungle. Bakura and Immortal, both blessed with relics of flight, took to the skies, flying off as fast as they could. Karta remained behind, willing to give up his life to save the people he'd sworn to watch over...
Then the pressure in the air shifted, as a growing silence mounted up to a sonic boom, as the Shadow Pearl exploded on the central pile, releasing a massive burst of built-up energy. The power of the blast spread to a radius of nearly 20 miles around its origin. From its center, a colossal green mushroom cloud was visible, looming ominously over the now-ruins of Thanaclan.
Our three heroes fled for their lives, not daring to look back.
As the first Savage Tide hit our world, and marked the end of the city of Thanaclan...
It was a cataclysm of epic proportions, one which would need to be avenged.
Yet little did anyone know, that this was but the means of testing this new weapon.
And 1500 years later, the Savage Tide would sweep over the entire world.